Fans Run the World 2023
Athletes (416)
All groups:
1.PrtndItsAPlan-C Finished
2.QueenofHaartz Finished
3.CaitasaurusRex Finished
4.VillainClaw Finished
5.kodamamama Finished
6.Moogie Finished
7.BookMasterJMV-C Finished
8.mamabirdie Finished
9.RJinNeverlAnd Finished
10.DarkOnCe Finished
11.ForPuCksSake Finished
12.PnkC-BookJockey Finished
13.Megan.R Finished
14.TurtleClaw-C Finished
15.Pod227 Finished
16.Capotian Finished
17.RavenclawNerd Finished
18.ChaosTheory-C Finished
19.YodaPotato Finished
20.TazUKLion-C Finished
21.PhoenixRising24 Finished
22.QueSaRAH-B Finished
23.Boppie-B Finished
24.GryffinMoogle Finished
25.AlienLizzie Finished
26.DarkPuff-B Finished
27.QuiltyQuibbler Finished
28.Grammy-Phyl-C Finished
29.Ob1drfl Finished
30.runcantrell Finished
31.aRgon_initially Finished
32.MixingUpMiles Finished
33.HuffleJess Finished
34.RTITimeWizard-C Finished
35.JesAlilMurder Finished
36.Pendery Finished
37.Lizerdoo Finished
38.NifflersMama-C Finished
39.Gabi0303 Finished
40.HawkSquawk Finished
41.EmmeClawsome Finished
42.FloridaSnekRunr Finished
43.TheRealMcCoy Finished
44.Xanthippe Finished
45.Book-Dragon Finished
46.DelicateFlower Finished
47.GaliLionFigaroB Finished
48.TartanTea-Rex Finished
49.NotNemilyRexC Finished
50.RavenKay Finished
51.JustJenE-C Finished
52.KvetchyRunnerA Finished
53.Goracus Finished
54.ProfessoRex Finished
55.Raccoonicorn Finished
56.PrincessChica3 Finished
57.RandomVarmint Finished
58.PittsburghPuff Finished
59.Jill8866 Finished
60.bookclawA Finished
61.eyeoftheteigerA Finished
62.sapphire614-R Finished
63.KippyClaw Finished
64.JennFromPhillyB Finished
65.SnaggleQuad-A Finished
66.rimabean Finished
67.runhuff85 Finished
68.AwDuck Finished
69.HP4life Finished
70.StarryEyedLlama Finished
71.MaggieGo Finished
72.VADERs_Dalek_A Finished
73.KivaDiva Finished
74.Marjie Finished
75.GrawpsGroupie Finished
76.Dachie Finished
77.NemeNemeNemiC Finished
78.Scordas47 Finished
79.Gofur_C Finished
80.Slowasasloth Finished
81.Tri-Puff Finished
82.RobAnybody_B Finished
83.GoGirlRun Finished
84.AuntFlavaFlav Finished
85.MTMamaBear Finished
86.Gryfindonculous Finished
87.AuntieSociAl Finished
88.-EmA Finished
89.masterkimbo Finished
90.JazzyPuff Finished
91.PixieVA Finished
92.ImpossibleGirl Finished
93.JimmyDean Finished
94.AmyLK Finished
95.kimchi_mami Finished
96.Bookasaurus-B Finished
97.BeezusMcWeasel Finished
98.RunningPrincess Finished
99.ButeoClaw Finished
100.2Star2Right Finished
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Island Hoppers
1.CaitasaurusRex 5339.7 miles
2.QueenofHaartz 3850.2 miles
3.VillainClaw 3160.8 miles
4.Pod227 2960.0 miles
5.Moogie 2925.0 miles
6.Megan.R 2716.0 miles
7.DarkOnCe 2520.6 miles
8.TazUKLion-C 2516.5 miles
9.PrtndItsAPlan-C 2463.3 miles
10.TurtleClaw-C 2460.1 miles
11.Grammy-Phyl-C 2419.3 miles
12.aRgon_initially 2198.9 miles
13.AlienLizzie 2190.0 miles
14.HuffleJess 2110.8 miles
15.ForPuCksSake 2100.0 miles
16.RavenclawNerd 2056.5 miles
17.runcantrell 1984.4 miles
18.kodamamama 1950.0 miles
19.RJinNeverlAnd 1923.5 miles
20.Ob1drfl 1883.0 miles
21.QueSaRAH-B 1828.3 miles
22.Xanthippe 1800.0 miles
23.ChaosTheory-C 1750.9 miles
24.Pendery 1746.7 miles
25.Boppie-B 1744.9 miles
26.NifflersMama-C 1735.4 miles
27.PhoenixRising24 1606.0 miles
28.GryffinMoogle 1602.0 miles
29.YodaPotato 1557.8 miles
30.BookMasterJMV-C 1543.2 miles
31.HawkSquawk 1515.0 miles
32.mamabirdie 1502.0 miles
33.RTITimeWizard-C 1433.9 miles
34.RavenKay 1421.5 miles
35.PnkC-BookJockey 1394.4 miles
36.StarryEyedLlama 1353.1 miles
37.MixingUpMiles 1315.8 miles
38.QuiltyQuibbler 1301.7 miles
39.FloridaSnekRunr 1275.1 miles
40.GaliLionFigaroB 1255.0 miles
41.Jill8866 1244.4 miles
42.KvetchyRunnerA 1234.5 miles
43.JesAlilMurder 1227.3 miles
44.bookclawA 1212.8 miles
45.VADERs_Dalek_A 1199.9 miles
46.RandomVarmint 1193.5 miles
47.TartanTea-Rex 1166.8 miles
48.KippyClaw 1162.3 miles
49.Book-Dragon 1095.4 miles
50.DarkPuff-B 1090.0 miles
51.JustJenE-C 1060.3 miles
52.SnaggleQuad-A 1043.1 miles
53.DelicateFlower 1018.8 miles
54.BekaRunsDisney 1018.3 miles
55.Gofur_C 1001.0 miles
56.Lizerdoo 987.7 miles
57.GeekyPets 930.0 miles
58.PittsburghPuff 912.9 miles
59.rimabean 900.5 miles
60.eyeoftheteigerA 888.8 miles
61.Marjie 888.8 miles
62.NotNemilyRexC 871.6 miles
63.EmmeClawsome 839.7 miles
64.TheRealMcCoy 827.9 miles
65.GrawpsGroupie 816.0 miles
66.masterkimbo 814.0 miles
67.HP4life 800.0 miles
68.MaggieGo 787.8 miles
69.Gryfindonculous 777.0 miles
70.AimToWin-C 772.5 miles
71.MTMamaBear 770.6 miles
72.RobAnybody_B 765.0 miles
73.PrincessChica3 764.0 miles
74.Capotian 751.1 miles
75.Tri-Puff 750.2 miles
76.Gabi0303 732.8 miles
77.PixieVA 732.2 miles
78.BadAssBadger-A 726.7 miles
79.SkyTrixieMom 719.7 miles
80.WimpyWeasel 712.5 miles
81.PeppyRaymaker 685.0 miles
82.JazzyPuff 668.9 miles
83.AslanClaw 661.3 miles
84.Slowasasloth 661.3 miles
85.RoaringSiren 660.2 miles
86.crazyshanigansB 652.6 miles
87.VillainCookie 645.7 miles
88.Goracus 645.3 miles
89.Grainia 640.3 miles
90.BauWow 626.7 miles
91.AuntFlavaFlav 622.6 miles
92.GoGirlRun 621.2 miles
93.KivaDiva 617.9 miles
94.PotatoLord 613.5 miles
95.MilkDudMaster 613.5 miles
96.kimchi_mami 611.2 miles
97.ThatDarnCat 609.0 miles
98.ImpossibleGirl 605.0 miles
99.RunsOnTrivia 603.9 miles
100.RunningPrincess 588.1 miles
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Recent Activity
Filtered for #boo. Back to unfiltered.
AlienLizzie Dec 31, 2023
BauWow Dec 31, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 30, 20232.9 miles12/30 - 2.9 miles power walked indoors for #fanthropy #frtw #boogiewalk #dinomight #runasarus #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
MusicBlinguist Dec 30, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 30, 20233.2 miles12/30 - 3.2 miles walked for #fanthropy #frtw #boogiewalk #runasaurus #dinomight #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
BauWow Dec 30, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 29, 20231.6 miles12/29 - 1.6 mile walked for #fanthropy #frtw #dinomight #runasaurus #boogiewalk #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
AlienLizzie Dec 29, 20232.4 miles12/29 - 2.44 miles walked for #fanthropy #frtw #dinomight #boogiewalk #hiddlesgoblinarmy #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
AlienLizzie Dec 29, 2023
BauWow Dec 29, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 29, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 28, 20236.2 miles12/28 - 6.2 miles walked/jogged indoors at night after visiting my friend Steve in St Cloud #fanthropy #frtw #dinomight #boogiewalk #strongertogether #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
BauWow Dec 28, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 28, 2023
PhoenixRat Dec 27, 2023
MusicBlinguist Dec 27, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 27, 20232.7 miles12/27 - 2.7 miles walked with Boogie Lizard for #fanthropy #frtw #dinomight #boogiewalk #myboogieisnotboujie #strongertogether #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
BauWow Dec 27, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 27, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 26, 2023
BauWow Dec 26, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 26, 20230.7 miles12/26 - 0.71 of a mile walked with Sage Goblin at UO for #fanthropy #frtw #boogiewalk #hiddlesgoblinarmy #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
AlienLizzie Dec 26, 20230.6 miles12/26 - 0.63 of a mile walked with Sage Goblin at UO for #fanthropy #frtw #boogiewalk #hiddlesgoblinarmy #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
AlienLizzie Dec 26, 2023
BauWow Dec 25, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 25, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 24, 2023
BauWow Dec 24, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 24, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 23, 20232.5 miles12/23 - 2.52 miles walked/jogged indoors for #fanthropy #frtw #boogiewalk #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
AlienLizzie Dec 23, 2023
BauWow Dec 23, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 22, 20231.6 miles12/00 - 1.6 mile walked/jogged indoors for #fanthropy #frtw #boogiewalk #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
AlienLizzie Dec 22, 2023
BauWow Dec 22, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 21, 20232.1 miles
AlienLizzie Dec 21, 2023
BauWow Dec 21, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 20, 20230.5 miles12/20 - 0.5 of a mile walked between parks at Universal Orlando Resort, plus some pacing in front of entrance to reach the half mile #fanthropy #frtw #boogiewalk #hiddlesgoblinarmy #strongertogether #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
AlienLizzie Dec 20, 2023
BauWow Dec 20, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 20, 20230.6 miles12/20 - 12Ks of XMAS Day 09 0.64 of a mile walked for #fanthropy #frtw #boogiewalk #strongertogether #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
AlienLizzie Dec 20, 20230.7 miles12/20 - 0.7 of a mile walked for #fanthropy #frtw #boogiewalk #hiddlesgoblinarmy #strongertogether #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
AlienLizzie Dec 20, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 19, 20231.3 miles12/19 - 1.27 mile walked through the Holiday lights display at Crane's Roost Park #fanthropy #frtw #boogiewalk #strongertogether #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
AlienLizzie Dec 19, 2023
BauWow Dec 19, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 18, 20230.9 milesFRTW 12/18 - 0.94 of a milevwalked back to parking #fanthropy #frtw #boogiewalk #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
AlienLizzie Dec 18, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 18, 20230.5 milesFRTW 12/18 - 0.53 of a mile walked from far Rocket parking to Epcot Entrance #fanthropy #frtw #hohoho #holidaybotf2023 #boogiewalk #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
AlienLizzie Dec 18, 20231.2 milesFRTW 12/18 - 1.2 mile pace walked while waiting for a package #fanthropy #frtw #hohoho #holidaybotf2023 #boogiewalk #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
AlienLizzie Dec 18, 2023
BauWow Dec 18, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 18, 20230.6 miles12/18 - 0.59 of a mile walked from MK monorail back to parking without taking the tram, after an hour of shenanigans in Magic Kingdom and Contemporary Resorts taking photos with Sage Goblin (backdated entry I forgot to post) #fanthropy #frtw #boogiewalk #hiddlesgoblinarmy #strongertogether #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
AlienLizzie Dec 18, 2023
BauWow Dec 17, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 17, 20231.0 milesFRTW 12/17 - 1 mile walked indoors, Garmin was acting flaky and had to be adjusted so please accept Samsung Health for proof... #fanthropy #frtw #hohoho #holidaybotf2023 #boogiewalk #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
AlienLizzie Dec 17, 20233.2 milesFRTW 12/17 - 3.21 miles walked indoors for #fanthropy #frtw #hohoho #holidaybotf2023 #boogiewalk #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
AlienLizzie Dec 17, 20231.2 milesBo 12/17 - 1.17 mile walked for #holidaybotf2023 #hohoho #yippeekiyaymf #fanthropy #frtw #boogiewalk #strongertogether #chillinwithmyhohohomies #definitelycultshiz
AlienLizzie Dec 17, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 17, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 16, 20232.7 milesFRTW 12/16 - 2.7 miles power walked indoors before going to bed #fanthropy #frtw #hohoho #holidaybotf2023 #boogiewalk #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
AlienLizzie Dec 16, 20231.2 milesFRTW 12/16 - 1.23 miles walked indoors during BattleCast for #fanthropy #frtw #hohoho #holidaybotf2023 #boogiewalk #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
AlienLizzie Dec 16, 20231.4 milesFRTW 12/16 - 1.44 mile walked indoors for #fanthropy #frtw #hohoho #holidaybotf2023 #boogiewalk #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
BauWow Dec 16, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 16, 20231.1 milesFRTW 12/16 - 1.11 mile walked indoors #fanthropy #frtw #hohoho #holidaybotf2023 #boogiewalk #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
AlienLizzie Dec 16, 20230.6 milesFRTW 12/16 - 0.60 of a mile walked indoors, getting last increments before Noon during JB Challenge miles for #hohoho #holidaybotf2023 #boogiewalk #fanthropy #frtw #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
AlienLizzie Dec 16, 20231.6 milesFRTW 12/16 - 1.6 mile walked until it started raining #fanthropy #frtw #hohoho #holidaybotf2023 #boogiewalk #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
AlienLizzie Dec 16, 20230.6 milesFRTW 12Ks of XMAS Day 05 #holidaybotf 0.62 of a mile for #teamhohoho #365frtw #fanthropy #frtw #hohoho #holidaybotf2023 #boogiewalk #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
AlienLizzie Dec 16, 20230.6 milesFRTW 12/16 - 0.57 of a mile walked from breakfast back to garage parking #fanthropy #frtw #hohoho #holidaybotf2023 #boogiewalk #365fansruntheworld #definitelycultshiz
AlienLizzie Dec 16, 2023
AlienLizzie Dec 15, 2023
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Log Activity
About + Join
- From: Mahana Beach, Hawaii
- To: Puuwai, Hawaii
- Start date: January 1, 2023
- End date: December 31, 2023
- 0:00 EST
- 23:59 EST
- Route distance: 365 miles
- Total logged: 198,837.3 miles
Join us as we hop across the islands of Hawaii, celebrating our love of Fandom all year long!
The $85 registration fee includes access to Fans Run the World 2023, PLUS a 4" event medal that will be shipped to the participants at the end of 2023.
The Fans Run The World Event Medal:

Start logging your activity on the race page on January 1, 2023. Watch your own progress on the map of Hawaii. Catch an image of the new virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers. Complete your first loop -- then keep going to see how many loops you can complete before you ring in the New Year in 2024.
We've got racers all over the globe! To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:
Questions? Email Technical Issues? Email!
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
The $85 registration fee includes access to Fans Run the World 2023, PLUS a 4" event medal that will be shipped to the participants at the end of 2023.
The Fans Run The World Event Medal:

Start logging your activity on the race page on January 1, 2023. Watch your own progress on the map of Hawaii. Catch an image of the new virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers. Complete your first loop -- then keep going to see how many loops you can complete before you ring in the New Year in 2024.
We've got racers all over the globe! To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:
- Only log intentional miles on foot (arm powered allowed for wheelchair users), by walking, running, using treadmills or elliptical machines.
- Minimum distance allowed is 0.5 miles per session.
- Maximum daily distance allowed is 15 miles.
- Exception: if you participate in a live event with a timed official bib that is more than 15 miles, you may submit the entire race mileage.
- Exception: if you are training for a marathon or ultramarathon, please send an email for directions on how to manage this exception to
- Please upload your "proof of miles" with each exercise session you submit. When logging your activity, click on the camera icon to upload your screenshot. Each "proof of miles" screenshot needs to be from a tracker that includes the distance (how far you went), the duration (how long it took), and the date.
- Please attribute your mileage to the date posted on your "proof of miles."
- Don't combine mileage from multiple days. Each session needs a "proof of miles" that matches the submitted miles. Exception: You can post all of your miles at once from a BOTF with the Racery placard once you finish that event.
- If you forget to upload your miles, you may backdate them within 30 days of your exercise session.
- If you finish the 365-mile route early, keep logging to become an Island Hopper! Keep running through 12/31/2023!
- Only mileage added before the challenge officially closes on December 31, 2023 at 23:59:59 EST will count in the leaderboards. Please note that the race runs on Eastern Standard Time.
Questions? Email Technical Issues? Email!
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
No mileage submitted yet.