
Athletes (416)

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#2021phrc×75, #2021frc×67, #2021wrc×45, #phrc×40, #frc×34, #2021phrcravenclaw×32, #2021crc×29, #fansruntheworld2021×29, #lionsrtw×29, #2021phrchufflepuff×28, #2022frc×25, #2022phrc×23, #2021phrcgryffindor×22, #fandomrunningclub×22, #potterheadrunningclub×22, #wrc×21, #chupas×19, #hogwartsrunningclub×17, #dragons×16, #2021wrccompanions×15, #2021wrcvillains×15, #2021wrctimelords×14, #krakens×14, #nessies×14, #frcbattleofthefandoms×13, #mermaids×13, #owlbears×13, #ravenclaw×13, #yetis×13, #crc×12, #fanthropy×12, #hrc×12, #takingiteasy×12, #whovianrunningclub×12, #fansruntheworld2022×11, #frtw2022×11, #phrcravenclaw×11, #2022phrchufflepuff×10, #2022phrcravenclaw×10, #frtw2023×10, #hellhounds×10, #2022wrc×9, #fanthropyrunningclub×9, #2021phrcslytherin×8, #2022crc×8, #2022wrccompanions×8, #chiltonrunningclub×8, #gryffindor×8, #slytherin×8, #unicorns×8, #valkyries×8, #jinkies×6, #madeye×6, #phrchufflepuff×6, #ruhroh×6, #2022wrcvillains×5, #austentatious×5, #dontpanic×5, #fansruntheworld×5, #frcnerfherders×5, #silurianbob×5, #thisistherace×5, #unicornbob×5, #wrccompanions×5, #2021gryffindor×4, #2022frtwscotland×4, #2460run×4, #bigdamnheroes×4, #bobsunite×4, #excelsior×4, #florida×4, #foramy×4, #ithoughtyousaidrum×4, #nifflerbob×4, #pewpew×4, #readysetgozer×4, #runinzehay×4, #runningchoux×4, #texas×4, #tulachard×4, #unicorncabin×4, #velocityraptors×4, #wizardofcaws×4, #wrcteamtimelords×4, #2022phrcgryffindor×3, #2022phrcslytherin×3, #2022ravenclaw×3, #2022wrctimelords×3, #2023frc×3, #areyoumystabby×3, #bitemark×3, #buggingout×3, #cjb×3, #clawandorder×3, #conesofrunshire×3, #crcroadtrip×3, #disgruntledpelicans×3, #fandomrunning×3, #ferrytogayhead×3, #frtw2021×3, #fruitsdelaterre×3, #galapagos×3, #hawkward×3, #hhmf×3, #hmbb×3, #hohoho×3, #hordeofthewings×3, #hrcravenclaw×3, #hufflepuff×3, #longbottom×3, #makeitso×3, #mileliquidators×3, #ministryofsillywalks×3, #ohio×3, #oncomingstorm×3, #oneracemore×3, #onlyzuul×3, #pensieveyalater×3, #permylastowl×3, #phrcquidditch×3, #ravenclawsome×3, #rti×3, #runnersofberk×3, #salazarssnakes×3, #saltysneks×3, #shellyeah×3, #sistersruntheworld×3, #slayerfest19×3, #sluglife×3, #somuchgood×3, #swansong×3, #talonted×3, #tardisthieves×3, #teamriversong×3, #timelords×3, #washington×3, #whatsthis×3, #wrcteamvillains×3, #wrcvillains×3, #2021wrcvillians×2, #2022villains×2, #2023frtw×2, #2023frtw365×2, #2023frtwhawaii×2, #365fansruntheworld×2, #934stitches×2, #aflockalypsenow×2, #always×2, #alwaysremember×2, #amokamokamok×2, #angelbob×2, #arizona×2, #attackeyebrows×2, #babblingcandle×2, #badassladygang×2, #bangarang×2, #barkandcheese×2, #bearsbeetsbsg×2, #bobsruntheworld×2, #bombarda×2, #bookingit×2, #boulderdash×2, #buenperro×2, #chiswicktemps×2, #crcchasingbono×2, #darksmarts×2, #darwinners×2, #dastardlymutts×2, #dementorbob×2, #dickwolf×2, #dinosruntheorient×2, #doctordances×2, #dropbears×2, #expectopatrorun×2, #fansruntheworld2023×2, #farsquad×2, #feelsgoodtobebadteamvillains×2, #fiendfyre×2, #flightclub×2, #frclasvegas×2, #friendsfromwork×2, #frtw22×2, #ganggreen×2, #grangerdanger×2, #grangerthings×2, #greyladies×2, #grimrunningghosts×2, #helenashawks×2, #helgasbadgers×2, #helgasbadgers2020×2, #helgasbadgers2021×2, #heyyouguys×2, #hogwarts×2, #hrcgryffindor×2, #ineffable×2, #jellybabies×2, #jolliestbunch×2, #madeyoublink×2, #mahnamahna×2, #marniesarmy×2, #massachusetts×2, #mauroders×2, #melodysmaniacs×2, #mooseandsquirrel×2, #moramiles×2, #movingrightalong×2, #mustrunfaster×2, #narf×2, #neversurrender×2, #noisycrickets×2, #notdeadyet×2, #notinkansas×2, #ogreachievers×2, #onephrc×2, #onyourleft×2, #oogieboogies×2, #outabreath×2, #outforawalk×2, #outlander×2, #owlways×2, #padfoot×2, #parischitkickers×2, #phrc19ravenclaw×2, #phrc19slytherin×2, #phrc2022gryffindor×2, #phrcingfierce×2, #phrcslytherin×2, #phrcslytherin2020×2, #pointofnoreturn×2, #puckingrun×2, #puffsgocoastal×2, #readycetego×2, #roadsofar×2, #rowenaseagles×2, #rtistaff×2, #rufiooo×2, #runandhyde×2, #runasaurus×2, #runfaire×2, #runnersofplenty×2, #runsummoners×2, #runwashrepeat×2, #scaryfeet×2, #schoolhouserun×2, #scroogeyou×2, #shieldmaidens×2, #sillywalks×2, #somethingcrazy×2, #squidditch×2, #stabbysaysrun×2, #starfeet×2, #strideandprejudice×2, #talklessrunmore×2, #teamtimelords×2, #teamvillains×2, #teamvillians×2, #thatdamteam×2, #thucydides×2, #totallytonks×2, #tothepain×2, #treadmilltrivia×2, #trustnorun×2, #turnthecastleyellow2022×2, #upandaddams×2, #wedontneedroads×2, #wegetfang×2, #whatthepuck×2, #whovianmiles×2, #winginintherain×2, #wrcraceacrosstime×2, #wrcteamriversong×2, #xovillains×2, #yellowstonecabin×2, #youreameanrun×2, #youshallnotpass×2, #2021phrcfaculty×1 … >>
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Island Hoppers

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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.

Group Mileage Log:

    Recent Activity

    This race ended 12/31/23 - check out the final activity below.

    OR start a new challenge here!

    Filtered for #lucky. Back to unfiltered.

    • eyeoftheteiger Nov 25, 2023
    • VADERs_Dalek Apr 17, 2023
       Longest personal streak grows to 113 days at 2.84 miles/day.
    • PureBloodPrin-C Feb 20, 2023
      8.2 miles
      Was having a little bit too much fun. Still trying to keep "Father" happy. Let's see if can keep this up for another week. No quit till the end!!!! #forfather #forglory #luckyducks
       2nd Longest personal exercise of this race.  Longest personal streak grows to 781 days at 6.77 miles/day.
    • PureBloodPrin-C Feb 19, 2023
      4.6 miles
      Time to finish it up. Still pushing & doing best I can. Maybe getting tired but mission isn't over yet. So I'm still going and giving all I can!!! 1 more week!!!! #forfather #forglory #luckyducks
    • PureBloodPrin-C Feb 19, 2023
      3.1 miles
      Time get party started. Still doing best to keep "Father" happy. I'm getting tired but can keep up another week. At least here's hoping so!!! #forfather #forglory #luckyducks
       Longest personal streak grows to 780 days at 6.76 miles/day.
    • PureBloodPrin-C Feb 18, 2023
      4.3 miles
      Had to get it done. Doing best keep "Father" happy. Let's see if can keep it up. One more week. Let's keep pushing!!! I went over of course. Enjoyed the run!!! #day23 #luckyducks #forfather #forglory
       Passed 2 athletes.
    • PureBloodPrin-C Feb 17, 2023
      5.2 miles
      Still going. Doing best I can to keep "Father" happy. Let's see how rest week goes. I'm still fighting. What doesn't kill me only makes me strong. #forfather #forglory #luckyducks
       10th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 778 days at 6.76 miles/day.  Passed 1 athlete.
    • PureBloodPrin-C Feb 16, 2023
      2.2 miles
      Doing best I can. Still trying keep "Father" happy. Another week. Let's see how goes. It's been fun for sure!!!! #forfather #forglory #luckyducks
       Passed 1 athlete.
    • PureBloodPrin-C Feb 16, 2023
      5.6 miles
      Time to get it done. Still trying best to keep "Father" happy. I may be tired but can't quit till the end. Let's see what happens. #forfather #forglory #luckyducks
       6th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 777 days at 6.76 miles/day.  Passed 1 athlete.
    • PureBloodPrin-C Feb 15, 2023
      5.3 miles
      Had to get it done. I'm doing best to keep "Father" happy. I know no quit till the end. 2 more weeks. Let's see how it goes!!! Still moving #forfather #forglory #luckyducks #day20
       7th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.
    • PureBloodPrin-C Feb 15, 2023
      2.4 miles
      Getting started. Doing best I can to keep "Father" happy. Sorry didn't make goal yesterday but I'm back to it. Let's see how it goes. Still fighting!! #forfather #forglory #luckyducks #day20
       Longest personal streak grows to 776 days at 6.76 miles/day.
    • PureBloodPrin-C Feb 14, 2023
      4.4 miles
      Had get something in. Still doing best I can keep "Father" happy. No quit till the end. I'm getting tired!!!! #forfather #forglory #luckyducks
       10th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 775 days at 6.76 miles/day.
    • PureBloodPrin-C Feb 13, 2023
      3.6 miles
      I'm tired but still fighting. Gotta keep "Father" happy. No quit till the end #forfather #forglory #luckyducks
       10th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.
    • PureBloodPrin-C Feb 13, 2023
      4.6 miles
      Still going. Doing best I can keep "Father" happy. Lets see how rest week goes!!!! #forfather #forgliry #luckyducks
       9th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 774 days at 6.76 miles/day.
    • PureBloodPrin-C Feb 12, 2023
      5.0 miles
      Still going. Doing best I can keep "Father" happy. Miles in now it's time to relax and watch game. Let's see what next week brings!!!! #forfather #forglory #luckyducks #usualsuspects
       8th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.
    • PureBloodPrin-C Feb 12, 2023
      5.0 miles
      Time get started. Wanted get it in. Still trying keep "Father" happy. Let's see how rest week goes. No quit till the end!! #forfather #forglory #luckyducks
       8th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 773 days at 6.76 miles/day.
    • PureBloodPrin-C Feb 6, 2023
      7.5 miles
      Time get started. Still doing best I can to keep "Father" happy. I wanted more miles...why?? That spirit is coming out!!! Let's see how goes!!! #forfather #forglory #usualsuspects #luckyducks
       4th Longest personal exercise of this race.  Longest personal streak grows to 767 days at 6.78 miles/day.  Passed 3 athletes.
    • Gingerjack Feb 6, 2023
      3.2 miles
       2nd Longest personal streak grows to 54 days at 7.63 miles/day.
    • PureBloodPrin-C Feb 5, 2023
      8.0 miles
      Had get it done. Went bit over so why not full amount on. Still trying keep "Father" happy. Nice get done earlier than later. Time to fight another day and see how next week goes!!!! #forfather #forglory #usualsuspects #luckyducks
       2nd Longest personal exercise of this race.  Longest personal streak grows to 766 days at 6.78 miles/day.  Passed 1 athlete.
    • PureBloodPrin-C Feb 4, 2023
      1.8 miles
      Had get it done. Doing best I can to keep "Father" happy. I know expectations for my own good. What doesn't kill me only makes me stronger!!! #forfather #forglory #luckyducks #day9
    • PureBloodPrin-C Feb 4, 2023
      6.0 miles
      Time get started. Still doing best keep "Father" happy. Let's see if can keep up. I'm still doing best I can. No quit till the end. Crazy do I want more??? #forfather #forglory #usualsuspects #luckyducks
       Longest personal streak grows to 765 days at 6.78 miles/day.  Passed 2 athletes.
    • PureBloodPrin-C Feb 3, 2023
      0.6 miles
      As always I got little extra. I think I'm going try cap at least 1x a month if not more "Father" should be happy with Pain is temporary ..Glory is Forever!!! #forfather #forglory #usualsuspects #luckyducks #day8
       Longest personal streak grows to 764 days at 6.77 miles/day.  Passed 1 athlete.
    • PureBloodPrin-C Feb 3, 2023
      1.0 miles
      Bit more. I've managed 8 days. Only 22 left. Let's see happens. Will "Father" stay happy?? Time will tell!!! #forfather #forglory #usualsuspects #luckyducks #day8
    • PureBloodPrin-C Feb 3, 2023
      0.8 miles
      As always I got little extra. I think I'm going try cap at least 1x a month if not more "Father" should be happy with Pain is temporary ..Glory is Forever!!! #forfather #forglory #usualsuspects #luckyducks #day8
    • PureBloodPrin-C Feb 2, 2023
      2.5 miles
      Had get more miles and be finished. Miles before fun.Run went well. Doing best keep "Father" happy. May need work on fundraising. Maybe a rest day??? #forfather #forglory #luckyducks #day7 #malfoyexpectations
    • PureBloodPrin-C Feb 1, 2023
      1.4 miles
      Still moving. Doing best I can to reach my cap. Trying keep "Father" too. My legs probably aren't happy. Let's see rest day brings!!! #forfather #forglory #day6 #usualsuspects #luckyducks
    • PureBloodPrin-C Feb 1, 2023
      1.2 miles
      Time get started. Still trying to keep "Father" happy. No time to quit. Gotta keep going. Day 6!!! Will I manage cap one day?? #forfather #forglory #day6 #usualsuspects #luckyducks
    • PureBloodPrin-C Jan 31, 2023
      4.6 miles
      This is nice be done early. Not using all this as have limit miles. Once I started couldnt quit. Still trying keep "Father" happy. Let's see how week goes!!! So far so good!!! #forfather #forglory #usualsuspects #lucky ducks #day5
       Passed 3 athletes.
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    This race ended 12/31/23 - check out the final activity here.

    OR start a new challenge here!


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    **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
    • JesAlilMurder Oct 1, 2023
      October goal: get to 300 total miles Bonus: 1.3 miles ON Friday the 13th Bonus 2: picture of your Halloween costume and/or decorations
    • QueenofHaartz July 27, 2023
      Could someone confirm this months challenge? Thanks
      Okay someone helped me it’s 42 miles no need to respond!
    • JesAlilMurder June 1, 2023
      June goal- 30 miles Bonus entries- June 20th national hike with a geek day -2 miles Extra point- selfie with another geek with 2 mile post
    • JesAlilMurder May 1, 2023
      May miles-42 Bonus 4 on May 4th 2.5 on the 25th Post pic on May 25th with towel with your mile proof.
    • JesAlilMurder Mar 2, 2023
      March challenge 1: 100 total miles by end of day March 31st (Not 100 miles in march... but you can do that if you want 😉) March bonus challenge 2: 8 miles on the March 17th St Paddy's Ocho
    • Ammo1213 Jan 27, 2023
      5 (including today) more days left in January! Hope everyone is crushing their goals!
    • JesAlilMurder Jan 2, 2023
      January goal- log 31 miles
    • Bandling Jan 1, 2023
      My "bib" for the FRTW 2023 race populated with my former last name. Is it possible to get one updated from Kristina Melville to Kristina Wooden?
      @Bandling If you don't get a response here, email
      Thank you!
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    About + Join

    • From: Mahana Beach, Hawaii
    • To: Puuwai, Hawaii
    • Start date: January 1, 2023
    • End date: December 31, 2023
    • 0:00 EST
    • 23:59 EST
    • Route distance: 365 miles
    • Total logged: 198,837.3 miles
    Join us as we hop across the islands of Hawaii, celebrating our love of Fandom all year long!

    The $85 registration fee includes access to Fans Run the World 2023, PLUS a 4" event medal that will be shipped to the participants at the end of 2023.

    The Fans Run The World Event Medal: 

    Start logging your activity on the race page on January 1, 2023. Watch your own progress on the map of Hawaii. Catch an image of the new virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers. Complete your first loop -- then keep going to see how many loops you can complete before you ring in the New Year in 2024.

    We've got racers all over the globe! To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:

    1. Only log intentional miles on foot (arm powered allowed for wheelchair users), by walking, running, using treadmills or elliptical machines.

    2. Minimum distance allowed is 0.5 miles per session. 

    3. Maximum daily distance allowed is 15 miles.

      • Exception: if you participate in a live event with a timed official bib that is more than 15 miles, you may submit the entire race mileage. 

      • Exception: if you are training for a marathon or ultramarathon, please send an email for directions on how to manage this exception to

    4. Please upload your "proof of miles" with each exercise session you submit. When logging your activity, click on the camera icon to upload your screenshot. Each "proof of miles" screenshot needs to be from a tracker that includes the distance (how far you went), the duration (how long it took), and the date. 

    5. Please attribute your mileage to the date posted on your "proof of miles."

    6. Don't combine mileage from multiple days. Each session needs a "proof of miles" that matches the submitted miles. Exception: You can post all of your miles at once from a BOTF with the Racery placard once you finish that event.

    7. If you forget to upload your miles, you may backdate them within 30 days of your exercise session.

    8. If you finish the 365-mile route early, keep logging to become an Island Hopper! Keep running through 12/31/2023!

    9. Only mileage added before the challenge officially closes on December 31, 2023 at 23:59:59 EST will count in the leaderboards. Please note that the race runs on Eastern Standard Time.

    Questions? Email  Technical Issues? Email!
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