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Kaiju...We're a BIG deal!

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    **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
    • TartanTea-Rex Mar 5
      My thought when I realised FB is down "but my Racery Chats!!!!"
    • BookMasterJMV Mar 5
      Facebook may be down, but at least we have Racery - woo!
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    By joining Racery, you are agreeing to our
    Terms of Use & Privacy Statement

    • From: Osaka Castle
    • To: Tokyo Disneyland
    • Start date: January 1, 2024
    • End date: December 31, 2024
    • 0:00 EST
    • 23:59 EST
    • Route distance: 366 miles
    • Total logged: 113,759.1 miles
    Join us as we journey across the beauty of Japan, celebrating our love of Fandom all year long!

    The $85 registration fee includes access to Fans Run the World 2024, PLUS a 4" event medal that will be shipped to the participants at the end of 2024.

    The Fans Run The World Event Medal: 

    Start logging your activity on the race page on January 1, 2024. Watch your own progress on the map of Japan from Osaka Castle to Tokyo Disneyland. Catch an image of the new virtual locale, then cheer your fellow racers. Complete your first loop -- then keep going to see how many loops you can complete before you ring in the New Year in 2025.

    We've got racers all over the globe! To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:

    1. Only log intentional miles on foot (arm powered allowed for wheelchair users), by walking, running, using treadmills or elliptical machines.

    2. Minimum distance allowed is 0.5 miles per session. 

    3. Maximum daily distance allowed is 15 miles.

      • Exception: if you participate in a live event with a timed official bib that is more than 15 miles, you may submit the entire race mileage. 

      • Exception: if you are training for a marathon or ultramarathon, please send an email for directions on how to manage this exception to

    4. Please upload your "proof of miles" with each exercise session you submit. When logging your activity, click on the camera icon to upload your screenshot. Each "proof of miles" screenshot needs to be from a tracker that includes the distance (how far you went), the duration (how long it took), and the date. 

    5. Please attribute your mileage to the date posted on your "proof of miles."

    6. Don't combine mileage from multiple days. Each session needs a "proof of miles" that matches the submitted miles. Exception: You can post all of your miles at once from a BOTF with the Racery placard once you finish that event.

    7. If you forget to upload your miles, you may backdate them within 30 days of your exercise session.

    8. If you finish the 366-mile route early, keep logging to become an Kaiju...a really BIG deal! Keep running through 12/31/2024!

    9. Only mileage added before the challenge officially closes on December 31, 2024 at 23:59:59 EST will count in the leaderboards. Please note that the race runs on Eastern Standard Time.

    Questions? Email  Technical Issues? Email!
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